This page shows geometries shaded in such a way that they are intended to mimic the "look" of images recorded by a scanning electron microscope (SEM). This is a microscopic specimen, inspired by a two things.
1. An image from SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope)
2. A specific illustration by a German zoologist Ernst Haeckel.
Side by Side Comparisions
SEM Reference
Inspiration from Ernst Haeckel
Occlusion Render
Occlusion Render without Displacement and Subdivision
Visualizer Render
OSL Code Links
The reference images are captured from a SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope). The images created from SEM don not have any light source, but I came to notice it seems to be lit from all the edges, similar to a rim light. So along with Professor Malcolm, we created a OSL shader mimicking the visual look of lit edges.
AIM: A shader which creates a 180 degree fake rim lights.
Technical issues and Problems
This was quite a unique assignment and it presented quite unique challenges.
1. A Smooth and Curvy Look: During my first attempt, I ended up with very high polygon count asset not accurately matching the reference. However, Renderman's "Render polygons as subdivision" came vey handy in terms of maintaining a low polygon count as well as well as matching the look.
Initial attempt: High poly and not smooth/curvy enough
After using Renderman's "Render Polygons as Subdivision"
Low Polygon Count
2. Mesh Pointy Extrusions: During my first attempt, as seen below, I ended up with a very high poly extrusion which did not match the reference accurately. Similar to above, after using Renderman's "Render Polygon as Subdivision", I was able to recreate the desired look.
Initial attempt: Pointy edge
After using Renderman's "Render Polygons as Subdivision"
Low Polygon Count
Self Evaluation
This was quite an interesting and unconventional assignment and it offered a very unique approach to creating the output. It was fun to derive and deduce the look to match the reference.
If I had more time, I would direct it towards the following:
A more detailed visual form and perhaps more of them.
Delved further into controlling displacements via proficient masking controls for very minute details.
Adding a element of color and mood